Four Trends Toward Greater Globalism

I have been reading the book Foreshadows: 12 Megaclues That Jesus’ Return Is Nearer Than Ever, by Steve Miller. It is quite good. I think it is definitely worth blogging. The first foreshadow he discusses is The Rise of Globalism—so today I will write about that trend.

Four Trends Toward Greater Globalism

1. More advanced Technology. There are now many more connected devices in the world, bringing the world together more than ever before, such as: smartphones, computers, cameras, sensors, smart speakers, etc.

2. More powerful global corporations—that network the world.

3. More global coalitions and groups—that network the world. These would include The World Economic Forum, The United Nations, The G20 (that promotes international collaborations).

4. More emphasis on the world as a global community. This global community has a goal to change the way the world is governed.

  • They are and will deal with global problems
  • They will work as one to bring solutions
  • They will discuss what the Great Reset is, what they intend to do, and how they reimagine the world.

Some of these trends sound not so bad, even good. But if the leaders are not moral people, and don’t believe in God, that spells danger. Here are some of the dangers in globalism:

  • There will be less freedom. We saw this during the Covid-19 pandemic, how they handled it.
  • Government power will expand and be the norm.
  • Globalism leaves out God, rejects God as a solution, and ignores sin as a problem.

Update: My dreams, My Reading, My Writing, About Zelensky

Well, I feel like Spring is officially here in Minnesota. I went for a long walk yesterday along the bank of the Mississippi river. The river is up from where it was last summer; it was almost all dried up. Hopefully, if we get more rain the river will be at its normal height again.

My Dreams

I had one of my re-occurring dreams last night. I very often have dreams where I am quite aggravated over painters that I have hired. I suppose it’s because of some unresolved things in my mind. Early in my painting business (in the 80s and early 90s) I hired a lot of painters. And some of them weren’t too experienced or reliable. So, I suppose that’s why I’m having these crazy dreams of painters doing crazy things where I end up getting very aggravated at them. I really should pray about it to resolve some of those issues—whatever they are, maybe anger issues.

My Reading

I’ve been reading books by Dinesh D’Souza, all about our country’s issues, like slavery and racism and lies our country’s leaders tell us, etc. D’Souza is very smart and I trust what he is saying, but, at the same time all of it is weighing on me. I know that God has opened the door for me to read this stuff; it’s almost like taking a class in American history and learning the truth about things—things that most history books won’t tell you. I hope and pray that I can put it to good use—maybe just blogging, which is what I have been doing.

My Writing on the Tribulation

I continue to write a book on the Tribulation. I write a little every day. I have a few sources, but I wish I had more. With future things I suppose it’s always hard to find material. My best source is the bible. But even the bible does not give me all that I want. God seems to hold back things that will happen. I’m now trying to write on the judgments: the seals, trumpets and bowls. But what the bible says is very brief. So, I am doing the best I can without extrapolating too much. Of course, I’m finding that the meaning of the seals for example will become clearer with the observation of what’s happening in the news—with wars and the economy, etc. For example, there is a lot of news now about how this Russia/Ukraine war could cause a global food shortage. And if that is occurring now, think of how it will certainly be a problem in the Tribulation.

What I have been hearing about Zelensky

Everybody seems to be really liking President Zelensky—for what he is saying and how he is encouraging his country to be strong and brave, and also how he is trying so hard to get counties to help. And have you heard of the latest song written about him, saying that he will be the superman of the world? Yes, I agree that he seems to be very antichrist-like. Yet he doesn’t appear to be boastful as we know the Antichrist will be. But maybe that will come later.

What I have been hearing lately is that he is not such a good fellow.

  • Someone from Ukraine reported that we can only believe half of what he says.
  • That he was installed with help of George Soros (a very evil and wealthy man, a thug)
  • That he is working for the World Economic Forum, which is pushing for a great Reset.
  • Since he is working toward The Great Reset (or build back better), that means that he may be trying to provoke Russia into war, and he may be intentionally trying to crash the economy and thus creating a world food crisis (which is what Biden is doing—with the aid of his advisors). Yes, it’s all in the plans: to tear everything down and start over.

Censorship is Here

Yesterday I stopped at Barnes and Noble to see if the book The Great Reset, by Glen Beck had come in. No, it hadn’t. And I also noticed that all of the good books I like to read were nowhere to be found—books like The Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, by Greg Jarret, and books by Mark Levin and by David Horowitz, and by Dinesh D’Souza. I walked around and looked again. Nope, they were gone. I was a little surprised, but not really. I have suspected that it would happen, that books stores would start censoring books that the government (or Big Tech) doesn’t want us to read, because they don’t want us to know the truth. It’s all part of the Great Reset and eventual Communism. Yes, certain evil, fascist people want to control us, to control the world.

The main fascist will be the Antichrist. I wonder who he is and where he is and how old he is. And do the main leaders of the Great Reset have him in mind to be the world leader? Are they now grooming him?

Well anyway, Half Price Books still have some of the books I want. I recently bought three books by D’Souza there. And I am looking there almost every day to get more. I think all truth-seeking Christians should be diligent to buy all the books they see now before its too late, because censorship is approaching fast, and in some places its already here.

Why Our Military Equipment and Weapons Were Left Behind

Yes, why were our military high-powered weapons left for the Taliban? We could have prevented it. We could have planned and carried out a better result. Why didn’t we?

I want to tell you why. In my opinion, it is because the globalists who are planning the Great Reset (or “build back better”) are really in charge of Biden and America.

They planned for this to happen!

They wanted a Taliban take over.

They wanted them to take our tanks and planes and guns. Yes, I think they planned it all out, every detail.


Because their ideology is to reduce America. Their ultimate goal is that all nations will be equal in power and easily controlled—controlled by a world dictator.

So America, in their belief, needs to be significantly reduced in power—militarily and economically and in every way.

And this is why they have installed Joe Biden. They knew he would listen and obey their orders. And they knew he would be an ineffective leader and a blunderer.

And know also that they have ongoing plans for future puppets. And they will continue to mess with our voting system and our voting machines. They plan to allow only the votes that they want to be counted—just like California does it.

Yes, and they plan to disallow forests to be managed, so that America has more and more fires.

And they plan for less and less people to be free. They plan for more mask wearing and for more mandates.

Back to Afghanistan and the Taliban. They, the reset people, whoever they are, are making plans for more and more of the Taliban and Al Qaeda and even ISIS to terrorize the world. And they plan for those animals to come into our country and terrorize and kill us.

And, oh yes, they also plan for groups like BLM to influence our government and our laws, to make us more lawless and so to make us more immoral people, and fearful people, so to destroy us! Again, so that we would be knocked down a few notches and made controllable. That is their plan.

How The Evil Powers are working to Control America

First, I will define what I mean by The Evil Powers. Chiefly, it is Satan, the devil. Under him it is all the demons—the evil fallen angels. Then under them it is the evil people that follow and are controlled by Satan. They call themselves the “elite.”  Most of them are billionaires. And they are always pushing for more money and more power. They are that group that is calling for the “Great Reset,” which will ultimately develop into world control by one leader.

Also, the reason why my title is on “America” instead of the world is because America is now the focus. And that is because they (the evil powers) reason that in order to control the world they will have to reduce the power of all nations; and that means that America will have to be knocked down a few notches—reduced in power and influence, until they are ready to be controlled.

Now here is what inspired me to write this post. I have been seeing so much evidence lately of things happening that would suggest that evil powers are at work to destroy our freedoms and our strength as Americans. Here are a few.

All things related to Covid-19

Oh, The Evil Powers were all over this. And if they didn’t cause Covid-19, they certainly knew how to use it to their advantage. We have seen how Dr. Fauci and others have set the Covid rules and put us all under a cloud of fear. And most of our governors have fell right in line with it, some telling us that mask wearing will be a permanent thing. And many are using their position of power to close small businesses—while the large businesses are allowed to remain open. And the most tragic thing is that churches have been forced to restrict the size of their congregation; and some have had to close.

The thing that bothers me most is how the media keeps advertising all the Covid deaths every day on TV. This is all for a purpose: to keep us under a cloud of fear, and to condition us to be controlled, so that we will be more and more submissive—submissive to a future dictator!

The Chauvin trial  

I constantly ask myself the question: why is this so news worthy? It is always on the front page of the newspaper. And now the trial is on every major TV channel. Ironically, I don’t think that most people are that interested in watching it. Most people are sick of it. So why is it advertised so much? It is because The Evil Powers want it on. They are pushing it. They want Americans to watch it. Why? Because they know that it is inspiring racism and a hatred for the police—which will ultimately break down America’s power structure and morality.


Americans have always been readers of books. And the Evil Powers know that. I like to browse the book stores in search of books I would like to read. And I have been noticing lately that many of the good books of truth are disappearing off the shelves and are being replaced by books that are lying to us.

Let me give you one example of this. Just a few months ago during the Trump administration I would see so many good, truthful books about the good side of Donald Trump and also books on the “Hoax.” Now all that is reversed.  You will see almost none of those books, but instead the shelves are packed with books telling lies about Trump and also so many books on the Obama’s and the smiling Harris. So, you get the point. And it is interesting that whenever you see an Obama book or a Harris book or a _____ book on the shelves, it’s not just one or two of them. The book stores will put out a dozen or more. Why? Do they think the public really wants to read that book that much? Well, it is my guess that they put out the books they want you to read, not because they think you are interested in reading them. Conversely, they are removing the books they don’t want you to read—the books that are true.

But the book store peoplethe owners and the managers—are controlled by The Evil Powers. And they control what books they want you to read. And don’t you know that they don’t want you to know the truth. They want you to believe a lie. They want to deceive you and control you. And one of the best ways to do it is through what you read.

Be on your guard Americans. Look and see what is happening. Be on your guard against what is false and what is true. And the best book to read for truth is the Bible. Don’t let the devil fool you. Be filled with the Spirit—He is the Spirit of Truth.

Moving Toward A Different America: More Transgenderism, Less Christianity

I was listening to a conversation between Newt Gingrich and Tucker Carlson today, and the question came up as to why Biden and the Democrats want to hurt America, because everything the Dems want will hurt this country in measurable ways. For instance, why are they letting in illegals without any health checks? Many of them would or have tested positive for covid-19; we know that. Newt Gingrich said that they want a different America, that they despise America the way it is. They want an America with more transgenderism and with less Christianity. They want a socialist America, not a capitalistic America.

It sounds to me that they want to spend lots of money on whatever they want, like more marijuana, etc. And it sure seems like America (and the World) is sinking into what it once was before the flood, when “every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5). And with all the emphasis on the welcoming in of transgenders and the LGBTQ’s, America is becoming more like Sodom and Gomorrah, and like what we see in Romans 1, where God gives man over to his degrading passion or homosexuality, and how his mind becomes depraved. Yes, I see that before long, if America does not repent of its sins, we will collapse just as Rome did.

I also see from Bible prophecy, that the world will merge into globalism. That means that every country must give up its individualism. We are hearing now from the voices of the Great Reset and from Big Tech. Yes, they are now working toward a one world government and also toward a single religion for all. Then soon the Antichrist will come into view and all the tribulation that follows.

So, if this globalism is coming soon for the world, then we know why America is giving up its autonomy and its Christianity and its freedoms (I am speaking in the sense of following Bible prophecy).

However, lets pray that many will choose to repent of sins and follow Christ. The time is short and we wait expectantly for His coming.

Covid-19 Vaccinations are Setting Us Up for a Future World Dictator

It seems to me that the vaccinations are setting us up—preparing us—to be controlled by a future world dictator. Never before has the world been in a position where we are saying we need to be controlled.  And the governments of the world are telling us that it is for our own good. And they are using fear to control us and to convince us to be vaccinated—or die!

The bible tells us that there will come a world leader who will control us by giving us a mark on our right hand or our forehead, and we won’t be able to buy or sell anything without this mark. He is the Antichrist and is controlled by Satan.  

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev. 13:16-17).

Yes, I see that what is going on right now is preparing us for the Antichrist and his mark—666.

Here are two articles of interest. The first one I will show you is about some Israeli doctors and nurses that refuse to be vaccinated.

Testimonies: Israeli medical teams aren’t getting vaccinated

Arutz Sheva has received testimonies from doctors, nurses and medical staff who refuse to be vaccinated for fear that the vaccine has effects that have not yet been tested.

S., (full name kept hidden), a doctor at a hospital in the center of the country for 30 years, said “Not only did I not get vaccinated, some of my fellow doctors did not get vaccinated either. We still do not know what the side effects of the vaccine are. We are keeping instructions stringently but will not get vaccinated for the time being.”

A., a nurse at a hospital in Jerusalem has been afraid to get vaccinated for 15 years due to fear of harm to pregnancy and fertility. “I have only one child and I am still of childbearing age and want to have another child. My and many nurses’ fear of harm is a real fear and we have still not received a promise that there is no harm or damage to fertility after the vaccine.”

It should be noted that the testimonies of doctors and nurses in the health system that were received by Arutz Sheva also indicate a fear of fertility problems in men. “Serious journals and studies published in recent weeks show that male fertility is indeed impaired. We have to wait a few months before it is possible to understand the effect of the vaccine,” said one of them. Some have indicated that if Edelstein’s law goes into effect they will get vaccinated out of lack of choice.

In recent days, the Minister of Health, MK Yuli Edelstein, has proposed a bill to authorize the government to establish regulations restricting the entry of an employee to the workplace, and obligating an employer to prevent an employee from entering if he has not presented a recovery certificate, vaccinated certificate or negative result. The issue is currently under investigation by the Ministry of Justice.

Shaare Zedek Medical Center told Arutz Sheva, “There is a discrepancy in the data with the Ministry of Health, especially regarding those who have not been vaccinated at the hospital. We are working on improving the data. The vaccination rate is 75-80 percent.”

Ichilov Hospital reported: “90 percent of our medical staff have been vaccinated.”

Hadassah Medical Center responded, “We are pleased to announce that Hadassah’s hospitals have the highest vaccination rate, which stands at 95% for physicians, 92% nursing staff and 90% administrative and maintenance workers. Overall, the vaccination rate among hospital staff is 92.3%. “.

“We will continue the vaccination campaign for the hospital staff until its complete end,” emphasizes Hadassah Director Prof. Zeev Rotstein. “This in parallel to vaccination of yeshiva students from Jerusalem, whom we invited in an organized fashion to receive the vaccination at designated stations under accompaniment of the community leaders, as well as in parallel to the vaccination of those suffering from various allergies who need the vaccine in the framework of a day’s hospitalization in order to vaccinate them safely and under the supervision of allergy specialists.”

Here is a very recent article where it appears that Israeli authorities are trying to force all their people to be vaccinated.

Knesset passes law to give cities info on unvaccinated residents

The Knesset gave final approval on Wednesday to controversial legislation allowing the Health Ministry to give local authorities personal details of residents who have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The proposal passed into law in its second and third readings, 30-13, after a Knesset panel amended the legislation so that details of those who are fully vaccinated will not be given to the municipalities.

Under the terms of the bill, for a three-month period the Health Ministry will be permitted to provide the local authorities and the Education Ministry with personal and contact details of residents for the purpose of promoting

Information will include data on those who have had the first of the two-shot vaccination but did not turn up for the second dose three weeks later, as well as those who had no injections at all.

In addition to possibly swaying the opinion of those who are against being vaccinated, the program would enable local authorities to locate and provide assistance to those who need help leaving home to get to vaccination centers.

The law stipulates that the information can only be used to encourage vaccination, and any other use is prohibited.

Among the opponents was MK Tamar Zandberg of the left-wing Meretz party, who called on the public to get vaccinated, saying the inoculation campaign is “the most important thing at the moment in the State of Israel.”

“However, the trigger finger is too itchy when it comes to passing laws that violate citizens’ privacy,” Zandberg said. “Handing over such data is a slippery slope,” she added, noting that it could fall into the wrong hands.

Labor head MK Merav Michaeli also voted against the measure, charging that it exemplified Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s failure to deal with the pandemic.

“A huge and terrible number of deaths and patients, students who did not study or meet friends for a year, hundreds of thousands who lost their livelihoods without economic rehabilitation,” Michaeli said, addressing the premier.

“You try to hide everything with public relations and obfuscation. This information belongs to citizens, and today you are taking their right to privacy about their medical information,” Michaeli said.

The head of the Knesset Labor, Welfare and Health Committee, Likud MK Haim Katz, responded to the criticism, asking, “Is the value of privacy more important than the value of life?”

Katz said that the committee had removed clauses allowing the transfer of data about children or those who have received both doses of the vaccine.

“It will only deal with people who are allowed to get vaccinated and have not done so… Two months after the transfer of the data [to local authorities] it will be destroyed,” Katz said. “The sanctity of life is above all.”

According to Health Ministry data released on Wednesday, 4,537,244 people in Israel, or some 50% of the country’s total population, have now received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Additionally, 3,146,509 people have received both doses of the two-shot Pfizer-BioNTech inoculation Israel is almost exclusively using.

Younger people have shown more reluctance to get the vaccination and the Health Ministry hopes the legislation will enable local authorities to advocate immunization among residents who don’t want the shots.

However, the country’s public health union issued a warning on Tuesday against the bill over privacy concerns, and a top democracy expert said the information could be used to target those easily persuaded by conspiracy theories to sway their votes in the coming March elections.

The Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians published a letter cautioning that the “legislation will cause short-term and long-term damage to the local authority itself, undermining trust when the benefit is limited and questionable,” Channel 12 reported.

“Hasty legislation that may infringe on the rights of the individual will not significantly contribute to the aim, and could even harm it,” the IAPHP warned.

The letter was sent to Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, coronavirus czar Nachman Ash, and other senior Health Ministry officials. A copy was also given to Katz by representatives of the Israeli Medical Association, the country’s largest doctors union.

“The medical information centralized by the HMOs is an important resource for promoting the vaccination campaign, in part because it is a tool used by the HMOs to prioritize vaccines according to age and background diseases. However, the information in the possession of the HMOs is information that has been determined to be kept confidential,” the letter stressed.

Chair of the public health union Prof. Nadav Davidovitch told Channel 12 that the union fully supports the immunization program, “but we distinguish between actions to encourage immunization and violation of individual rights.”

“This change in legislation is a slippery slope that can undermine public trust and lead to disproportionate enforcement actions,” Davidovitch warned. “Local authorities should not be exposed to confidential medical information.”

Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, raised concerns that information on the lists given to local authorities could also be used for political gain ahead of the March 23 elections.

“The list of people we have not vaccinated is valuable to those who want to know who among us is susceptible to conspiracy theories, so it is valuable to those who want to win the election,” she told Army Radio on Monday. “I am very worried about it making the rounds.”

I think that the more people that are convinced to be vaccinated, and therefore controlled, the better prepared, or the more willing the world will be to face the future—the Antichrist.

Why Is Pelosi Rushing the Impeachment of Donald Trump?

Clearly, she is rushing the impeachment to prevent Trump from ever running again as President. And all her rhetoric of wanting to protect this country is bogus. Her main drive is to have someone in office who is aligned with the global agenda and the Great Reset. And she knows that that will not be Donald Trump, that he has been a great obstacle to the global objective.  She cannot allow him ever again to be in office. And she—and all the Democrats—are stopping at nothing to achieve that objective.

The evidence is not in yet, but I suspect that she had something to do with the National Guard not arriving on time. I suspect also that she had something to do with the poor showing of the Capitol Police. I also suspect that she had something to do with the incitement or the encouragement of the rioting.

Furthermore, the impeachment went on without much discussion at all. The other side (Trump’s people) had no chance to rebut. That is very unamerican and wrong, and she knows it. Also, I think one of reasons why she was rushing to impeach is to get ahead of any investigation that may implicate her. And I’m sure she is taking steps to cover up any incriminating evidence.

One thing I have noticed about Nancy Pelosi is her ability to sound so righteous and to be so quick to point the finger at someone else, like Trump, when all along she is planning something evil. Yes, I think she is very devious. Why was she in China Town trying to convince Americans to come to China and party, just at the time that the virus was being released? I suspect something very devious. She can’t be trusted. I pray that truth will be revealed very soon. “[He will] bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s [men and women] hearts…” (1 Cor. 4:5).

Satan’s Master Plan for the World

Satan’s has a master plan for global control and world domination. As I see it, after Satan and the Antichrist (who will come on the scene later in the Tribulation), there are four levels of authority to Satan’s plan.

Level Four: Satan’s Elite Followers. Under Satan will be his followers, the Elite. The bible tells us that there will be Ten Kingdoms. They may exist now, or not. But they certainly will be revealed after the Rapture and in the Tribulation. Most of the elite leaders I think do exist now, and they are planning their schemes; and I’m sure they will have input into forming the ten kingdoms. And when the Antichrist comes on the scene, of course, he will have the most say in what happens, because he will be controlled and empowered by Satan.

We don’t know how connected all the elite are to Satan. Some may be true Satan worshippers, but others may be just blind followers. Regardless, all are willing followers—whether they truly believe in Satan or not.

Level Three: Suppliers of Big Tech. You’ve heard the saying, “follow the money.” Well, Satan is well aware that his master plan will need lots of money. Big Tech will be the suppliers of the master plan, and they will use their money and power to build the plan, and also to shut down all institutions and business that don’t go along with the plan—as they have jumped on board with the Great Reset, pushed by the founders of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab. Hence, we have seen recently how Amazon, Google, and Twitter very quickly shut down Parler, simply because they are a conservative company that does not agree with the master plan.

Level Two: Enforcers. The enforcers are very important. They are the link between Big Tech (and the Elite) and the common people, you and me. They are the liberal left politicians, along with the media. As it appears presently, almost all of the Democrats are in this group, from the House and Senate on down to the Governors and Mayors. If they are Democrats, it appears that they are included in the master plan. And certainly, if the police and the military are on the left side, they too will be included.

Level One: Willing Followers. This group is by far the largest. They do not have any authority, but their willingness to follow established liberal authority makes them powerful and very dangerous to all outsiders (those conservatives who are against the master plan). Their power exists in being reporters of all violations of the plan. Many will probably pride themselves in reporting violators and they will be rewarded.

Why is Big Tech Silencing Conservative Speech by Shutting Down Parler?

Why are Big tech companies like Amazon, Google and Apple trying to silence conservative speech by shutting down the twitter company Parler? Why are they trying to kill the competition? Why are they trying to kill free speech? Parler CEO is concerned.

Parler CEO: Tech Companies Coordinated Plan to Close Us Down

(Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures”)

By Eric Mack    |   Sunday, 10 January 2021 09:08 AM

The silencing of conservative speech on social media has spiraled into a “coordinated effort” by big tech to close down Parler, according to the social media platform’s CEO John Matze.

“Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day,” Matze told “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo.

Matze was appearing after releasing a statement on the attempts to “destroy” his business.

“This was a coordinated attack by the tech giants to kill the competition in the marketplace,”

Matze’s statement read. “We were too successful too fast.

“You can expect the war on competition and free speech to continue, but don’t count us out. #speakfreely.”

Matze’s statement comes as Amazon is removing the platform from its webservers, which might take the conservative social media platform down for about a week.

“Sunday at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the Internet,” he wrote. “There is a possibility Parler will be unavailable on the Internet for up to a week as we rebuild from scratch.

“We prepared for events like this by never relying on Amazon’s proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products.”

Matze called out Amazon, Google, and Apple for orchestrating the “coordinated effort.”

“We will try our best to move to a new provider right now as we have many competing for our business; however, Amazon, Google, and Apple purposely did this as a coordinated effort knowing our options will be limited and knowing this would inflict the most damage right as President Trump was banned from the tech companies.”

The move was “an assault on everybody,” told Fox News.

“They all work together to make sure at the same time we would lose access to not only our apps, but they’re actually shutting all of our servers off tonight, off the internet,” Matze said. “They made an attempt to not only kill the app, but to actually destroy the entire company. And it’s not just these three companies. Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day.”

So, we have heard what happened, but do we really know why? Are the Big Tech companies really that concerned about the safety of the people in the Capitol or of democracy? Are they really that afraid of Trump and what he will do next? Are they afraid that free speech by Parler will incite more violence? Just what is their agenda?

I suggest that there is something much more devious going on. I suggest that the Big Tech companies are aligned with the movement called The Great Reset. It is a movement with a master plan for global control. This movement, led by “elitist” leaders like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and George Soros, have an agenda to tear down all old systems and buildings and to get rid of anything and anybody that doesn’t fit into their plans for a new world and a new world order.

And guess what? Conservatives, especially Christian conservatives do not fid into their master plan. So, this is why they are trying desperately to stop us and to shut us down. They, through Big Tech, will continue to try to silence our speech anyway they can: to shut down our twitter access, email accounts, Facebook accounts, and all social media access. In addition, as you know colleges have been shutting down conservative speech for some time. And now they are attempting to shut down Christian churches through the pretext of a pandemic. Most recently, they have diabolically stollen an election in order to quickly bring in their willing puppets, Biden and Harris, who will lead the country into the Great Reset—into the New World Order.