Censorship is Here

Yesterday I stopped at Barnes and Noble to see if the book The Great Reset, by Glen Beck had come in. No, it hadn’t. And I also noticed that all of the good books I like to read were nowhere to be found—books like The Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, by Greg Jarret, and books by Mark Levin and by David Horowitz, and by Dinesh D’Souza. I walked around and looked again. Nope, they were gone. I was a little surprised, but not really. I have suspected that it would happen, that books stores would start censoring books that the government (or Big Tech) doesn’t want us to read, because they don’t want us to know the truth. It’s all part of the Great Reset and eventual Communism. Yes, certain evil, fascist people want to control us, to control the world.

The main fascist will be the Antichrist. I wonder who he is and where he is and how old he is. And do the main leaders of the Great Reset have him in mind to be the world leader? Are they now grooming him?

Well anyway, Half Price Books still have some of the books I want. I recently bought three books by D’Souza there. And I am looking there almost every day to get more. I think all truth-seeking Christians should be diligent to buy all the books they see now before its too late, because censorship is approaching fast, and in some places its already here.

Big Tech Censor Proven Treatments of Hydroxychlkoroquine

According to Fox News and watch.org

YouTube suspends Senator Ron Johnson from uploading videos for seven days over hydroxychloroquine claims

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., has been suspended from uploading videos to YouTube for seven days and had a video of a speech talking about early treatments to COVID-19 removed by the video-sharing giant. 

The video removal and upload ban came after two videos of Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearings he led on early experimental treatments to the novel coronavirus, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

Johnson told Fox News that “YouTube’s ongoing COVID censorship proves they have accumulated too much unaccountable power.”

Big Tech and mainstream media believe they are smarter than medical doctors who have devoted their lives to science and use their skills to save lives,” Johnson said. “They have decided there is only one medical viewpoint allowed, and it is the viewpoint dictated by government agencies. How many lives will be lost as a result? How many lives could have been saved with a free exchange of medical ideas?” 

“Government-sanctioned censorship of ideas and speech should concern us all,” Johnson added.

Moving Toward A Different America: More Transgenderism, Less Christianity

I was listening to a conversation between Newt Gingrich and Tucker Carlson today, and the question came up as to why Biden and the Democrats want to hurt America, because everything the Dems want will hurt this country in measurable ways. For instance, why are they letting in illegals without any health checks? Many of them would or have tested positive for covid-19; we know that. Newt Gingrich said that they want a different America, that they despise America the way it is. They want an America with more transgenderism and with less Christianity. They want a socialist America, not a capitalistic America.

It sounds to me that they want to spend lots of money on whatever they want, like more marijuana, etc. And it sure seems like America (and the World) is sinking into what it once was before the flood, when “every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5). And with all the emphasis on the welcoming in of transgenders and the LGBTQ’s, America is becoming more like Sodom and Gomorrah, and like what we see in Romans 1, where God gives man over to his degrading passion or homosexuality, and how his mind becomes depraved. Yes, I see that before long, if America does not repent of its sins, we will collapse just as Rome did.

I also see from Bible prophecy, that the world will merge into globalism. That means that every country must give up its individualism. We are hearing now from the voices of the Great Reset and from Big Tech. Yes, they are now working toward a one world government and also toward a single religion for all. Then soon the Antichrist will come into view and all the tribulation that follows.

So, if this globalism is coming soon for the world, then we know why America is giving up its autonomy and its Christianity and its freedoms (I am speaking in the sense of following Bible prophecy).

However, lets pray that many will choose to repent of sins and follow Christ. The time is short and we wait expectantly for His coming.

May Big Tech Fall Into their Own Net

I am glad to see that Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis is fighting for his state against Big Tech censorship. We were all shocked to see how they could remove President Trump from Twitter, and also shut down Parler. I hope his law proposal comes through and eventually Big Tech will be restricted from all their efforts to control anyone in this country. It is not right for this country and for any person to be censored. I want to offer this prayer of David’s as a prayer on behalf of President Trump.

Keep me from the jaws of the trap which they have set for me,

And from the snares of those who do iniquity.

10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets,

While I pass by safely. (Psalm 141:9-10)

I pray that President Trump will get his twitter account back, or something just as good or better, and those who entrapped him unjustly would be trapped in their own nets and would pay a high price.

TALLAHASSEE, FLA. 02/02/21-Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks out on the the controls he says technology companies are placing on public discourse, Tuesday during a news conference at the Capitol in Tallahassee. COLIN HACKLEY PHOTO

Here is the article from Newsmax about what DeSantis is proposing:

Fla.’s DeSantis Moves to Limit Big Tech in Censorship, ‘Political Manipulation’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday proposed a law that would combat big tech’s “censorship” of right-wing political candidates and blasted the “monopoly of communications platforms” that “monitor and control” Floridians.

The legislation will target Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Apple, according to Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls.

“What began as a group of upstart technology companies from the west coast, has since transformed into an industry of monopoly communications platforms that monitor, influence, and control the flow of information in our country and among our citizens,” DeSantis said during a press conference at the State Capitol in Tallahassee.

“These platforms have played an increasingly decisive role in elections and have negatively impacted Americans who descend from orthodoxies favored by the big tech cartel,” he added.

Citing former President Donald Trump’s removal from Twitter in his final days in office and restrictions on social media app Parler, DeSantis said Big Tech has been allowed to “manipulate” news content and design algorithms that favor their candidates of choice.

“That’s why in Florida we’re gonna take aim at those companies and pull back the veil and make sure those guys don’t continue to find loopholes and grey areas to live above the law,” DeSantis said. “Under our proposal, if a technology company de-platforms a candidate for elected office in Florida during an election, that company will face a daily fine of $100,000 until the candidate’s access to the platform is restored.”

The bill, if passed, would prevent platforms from rapidly changing standards, allow people to opt out of content algorithms, create a “cause of action” pathway for legal action and fine tech companies $100,000 daily for “deplatforming” political candidates.

“Used to be that consumers were trusted to make their own decisions about what information to consume, about which leaders to ‘follow,’ about what news to watch,” said DeSantis. “Now those decisions are increasingly made by nameless, faceless boards of sensors.”

DeSantis’ press conference comes a week after two Florida GOP lawmakers filed bills that would prohibit the state and local governments from doing business with Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google and its parent company, Alphabet, starting July 1.

“What prompted me to draft this legislation was the lifetime ban of the president of the United States — the duly elected and non-removed president of the United States — forever, including after he was a private citizen, coupled with the sudden shutdown of competitors of companies by their fellow Big Tech companies,” state Rep. Randy Fine, R-Brevard County, told the Orlando Sentinel.

Satan’s Master Plan for the World

Satan’s has a master plan for global control and world domination. As I see it, after Satan and the Antichrist (who will come on the scene later in the Tribulation), there are four levels of authority to Satan’s plan.

Level Four: Satan’s Elite Followers. Under Satan will be his followers, the Elite. The bible tells us that there will be Ten Kingdoms. They may exist now, or not. But they certainly will be revealed after the Rapture and in the Tribulation. Most of the elite leaders I think do exist now, and they are planning their schemes; and I’m sure they will have input into forming the ten kingdoms. And when the Antichrist comes on the scene, of course, he will have the most say in what happens, because he will be controlled and empowered by Satan.

We don’t know how connected all the elite are to Satan. Some may be true Satan worshippers, but others may be just blind followers. Regardless, all are willing followers—whether they truly believe in Satan or not.

Level Three: Suppliers of Big Tech. You’ve heard the saying, “follow the money.” Well, Satan is well aware that his master plan will need lots of money. Big Tech will be the suppliers of the master plan, and they will use their money and power to build the plan, and also to shut down all institutions and business that don’t go along with the plan—as they have jumped on board with the Great Reset, pushed by the founders of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab. Hence, we have seen recently how Amazon, Google, and Twitter very quickly shut down Parler, simply because they are a conservative company that does not agree with the master plan.

Level Two: Enforcers. The enforcers are very important. They are the link between Big Tech (and the Elite) and the common people, you and me. They are the liberal left politicians, along with the media. As it appears presently, almost all of the Democrats are in this group, from the House and Senate on down to the Governors and Mayors. If they are Democrats, it appears that they are included in the master plan. And certainly, if the police and the military are on the left side, they too will be included.

Level One: Willing Followers. This group is by far the largest. They do not have any authority, but their willingness to follow established liberal authority makes them powerful and very dangerous to all outsiders (those conservatives who are against the master plan). Their power exists in being reporters of all violations of the plan. Many will probably pride themselves in reporting violators and they will be rewarded.

Why is Big Tech Silencing Conservative Speech by Shutting Down Parler?

Why are Big tech companies like Amazon, Google and Apple trying to silence conservative speech by shutting down the twitter company Parler? Why are they trying to kill the competition? Why are they trying to kill free speech? Parler CEO is concerned.

Parler CEO: Tech Companies Coordinated Plan to Close Us Down

(Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures”)

By Eric Mack    |   Sunday, 10 January 2021 09:08 AM

The silencing of conservative speech on social media has spiraled into a “coordinated effort” by big tech to close down Parler, according to the social media platform’s CEO John Matze.

“Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day,” Matze told “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo.

Matze was appearing after releasing a statement on the attempts to “destroy” his business.

“This was a coordinated attack by the tech giants to kill the competition in the marketplace,”

Matze’s statement read. “We were too successful too fast.

“You can expect the war on competition and free speech to continue, but don’t count us out. #speakfreely.”

Matze’s statement comes as Amazon is removing the platform from its webservers, which might take the conservative social media platform down for about a week.

“Sunday at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the Internet,” he wrote. “There is a possibility Parler will be unavailable on the Internet for up to a week as we rebuild from scratch.

“We prepared for events like this by never relying on Amazon’s proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products.”

Matze called out Amazon, Google, and Apple for orchestrating the “coordinated effort.”

“We will try our best to move to a new provider right now as we have many competing for our business; however, Amazon, Google, and Apple purposely did this as a coordinated effort knowing our options will be limited and knowing this would inflict the most damage right as President Trump was banned from the tech companies.”

The move was “an assault on everybody,” told Fox News.

“They all work together to make sure at the same time we would lose access to not only our apps, but they’re actually shutting all of our servers off tonight, off the internet,” Matze said. “They made an attempt to not only kill the app, but to actually destroy the entire company. And it’s not just these three companies. Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day.”

So, we have heard what happened, but do we really know why? Are the Big Tech companies really that concerned about the safety of the people in the Capitol or of democracy? Are they really that afraid of Trump and what he will do next? Are they afraid that free speech by Parler will incite more violence? Just what is their agenda?

I suggest that there is something much more devious going on. I suggest that the Big Tech companies are aligned with the movement called The Great Reset. It is a movement with a master plan for global control. This movement, led by “elitist” leaders like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and George Soros, have an agenda to tear down all old systems and buildings and to get rid of anything and anybody that doesn’t fit into their plans for a new world and a new world order.

And guess what? Conservatives, especially Christian conservatives do not fid into their master plan. So, this is why they are trying desperately to stop us and to shut us down. They, through Big Tech, will continue to try to silence our speech anyway they can: to shut down our twitter access, email accounts, Facebook accounts, and all social media access. In addition, as you know colleges have been shutting down conservative speech for some time. And now they are attempting to shut down Christian churches through the pretext of a pandemic. Most recently, they have diabolically stollen an election in order to quickly bring in their willing puppets, Biden and Harris, who will lead the country into the Great Reset—into the New World Order.