Satan’s Master Plan for the World

Satan’s has a master plan for global control and world domination. As I see it, after Satan and the Antichrist (who will come on the scene later in the Tribulation), there are four levels of authority to Satan’s plan.

Level Four: Satan’s Elite Followers. Under Satan will be his followers, the Elite. The bible tells us that there will be Ten Kingdoms. They may exist now, or not. But they certainly will be revealed after the Rapture and in the Tribulation. Most of the elite leaders I think do exist now, and they are planning their schemes; and I’m sure they will have input into forming the ten kingdoms. And when the Antichrist comes on the scene, of course, he will have the most say in what happens, because he will be controlled and empowered by Satan.

We don’t know how connected all the elite are to Satan. Some may be true Satan worshippers, but others may be just blind followers. Regardless, all are willing followers—whether they truly believe in Satan or not.

Level Three: Suppliers of Big Tech. You’ve heard the saying, “follow the money.” Well, Satan is well aware that his master plan will need lots of money. Big Tech will be the suppliers of the master plan, and they will use their money and power to build the plan, and also to shut down all institutions and business that don’t go along with the plan—as they have jumped on board with the Great Reset, pushed by the founders of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab. Hence, we have seen recently how Amazon, Google, and Twitter very quickly shut down Parler, simply because they are a conservative company that does not agree with the master plan.

Level Two: Enforcers. The enforcers are very important. They are the link between Big Tech (and the Elite) and the common people, you and me. They are the liberal left politicians, along with the media. As it appears presently, almost all of the Democrats are in this group, from the House and Senate on down to the Governors and Mayors. If they are Democrats, it appears that they are included in the master plan. And certainly, if the police and the military are on the left side, they too will be included.

Level One: Willing Followers. This group is by far the largest. They do not have any authority, but their willingness to follow established liberal authority makes them powerful and very dangerous to all outsiders (those conservatives who are against the master plan). Their power exists in being reporters of all violations of the plan. Many will probably pride themselves in reporting violators and they will be rewarded.

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